May 15 Steering Committee Meeting focused on Agriculture

The Mercersburg Area Comprehensive Planning Steering Committee participated in a tour of the Snider’s Elevator facility in Lemasters, followed by a meeting of the planning steering committee on May 15, which was focused on the topic of agriculture in the Mercersburg Area. 

Representatives of DCED, Franklin County Planning, Montgomery Township, the Mercersburg Borough, Franklin County Tourism, Franklin County United Way, and several farm / agriculture business owners participated in the tour of the Snider’s Elevator production floor, and grain storage systems. Susan Snider, fourth generation owner of the business, provided an in-depth explanation of their supply chains, business methods, and key challenges.

After the tour, the steering committee met upstairs at the Snider’s facility to elaborate on strengths, weaknesses, and government relationships relative to the future of agriculture in the Mercersburg Area. The input of this focused session will be consolidated by the HRG Project Manager, Dean Severson.

After review and feedback by the municipal leaders, the comprehensive plan will include data about agriculture and land use in the Mercersburg Area and provide recommendations for the good of farms and landowners

DCED Grant Approved

The Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) notified the MVSC on May 10, 2024 that a grant of $45,000 has been awarded for the purpose of Mercersburg Area Comprehensive Planning. 

Three municipalities will benefit from the resources: the Mercersburg Borough; Montgomery Township; and Peters Township. Each of the municipalities has approved a resolution to participate in the project to establish an actionable plan for key components of the community including: agriculture; sewer; water; transportation; housing; recreation; and others.

The project will deliver a comprehensive plan which, when adopted by the municipalities, will document the direction of services for approximately 10 years.

As a member of the community, you can make recommendations by engaging in the survey below:

Pop-up Event at Mercersburg Springfest

The Mercersburg Springfest was the site of the Mercersburg Area Comprehensive Planning Pop-up event on May 11, 2024 from 1:00 PM until 3:00 PM.

Approximately 30 survey’s were completed. Project members engaged in many conversations about the comprehensive planning process during the event.

If you didn’t have a chance to engage, you may complete the survey below: